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📖 My Confession: How I Created My Power Journal

Happy Sunday, {{ first_name }}!

The Juggling Act: Priorities and a Struggle for Balance

In this huge world, it's easy to get trapped in a never-ending loop of to-dos and responsibilities. We get entangled with priorities, sometimes wondering how to prioritize them. We feel trapped, stuck, and want to find a way to do better.

On top of that, our health suffers. We neglect prioritizing self-care. Workouts get pushed to another day. Fast food becomes a convenient solution. We foster the habit of not eating on time, don't have time to cook or prep – the list goes on. Our health pays the price: overweight, stressed, and just surviving.


What If There Was a Solution?

What if you had a solution that fits your busy lifestyle? What if it gently reminded you of what's important? What if you took just a few minutes to reflect? What if you had a coach in your pocket?


A Time of Immense Challenge: My 2020

Back in 2020, I had one of the most difficult times of my life. COVID,...

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Hero's Journey - Meet Bob


 I want to introduce you to my dear friend and colleague, Bob. We'll see how he's using functional fitness and bodybuilding within my program to achieve his fitness goals as a 73-year-old in extra-ordinary health conditions. 


"I'm a 73-year-old man who values functioning at my highest potential. A pillar of my mental and physical fitness regimen is working out with Nadya, which I have done for the past five years.

What I appreciate the most about her training is her philosophy of whole-body, functional fitness which exercises all muscle systems in all planes of motion. The balance of cardio and strength training, with body weight and dumbbells, makes each new exercise session interesting and challenging. All the variety leads to optimal muscle confusion, and occasional enjoyable cognitive confusion as my brain processes the movements I'm asking it to do.

This has been the best physical training I have experienced in my life. I'd highly recommend it...

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Spring to Summer Challenge: Commit to Yourself for 90 Days!

community & support Mar 03, 2024

Happy Sunday {{ first_name }},


Ever feel like you're constantly on the go but not making much progress on your goals? We've all been there – we talk about our dreams, take some steps, but progress feels slow or nonexistent. We see others achieving incredible success, and it can be frustrating to feel stuck.


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The secret to breaking through those plateaus often lies in a single action: the needle-mover.

This is one critical daily activity that significantly impacts your most important goal. It might not always be easy, but it moves the needle forward, even if your brain tries to talk you out of it!


Let's talk about some examples and see if you recognize yourself:

  • You spend a lot of time on your phone and never get to the important stuff. (Needle-mover: Schedule focused work time in your calendar and stick to it!)
  • You want to write a book but get overwhelmed by the idea of starting. (Needle-mover:...
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Feeling Unsupported? 🤔 

Why Do Some Succeed While Others Struggle? Finding Support on Your Solo Wellness Journey


We all crave happiness, that's a given. We chase it through countless efforts, yet some of us reach that blissful state seemingly easier than others. Why the disparity? A few weeks ago, we discussed the importance of taking action, but today, I want to highlight the crucial role of support in your journey, especially at the beginning.


 If you'd rather watch, here is an 11-min video I recorded a while ago. 


Studies show that our success rate doubles when we have others cheering us on. So, let's see if any of this resonates with you (remember, no judgment, just curiosity).


Where Do You Find Yourself?

Scenario 1: You dream of starting your wellness journey, but before you even begin, your spouse throws cold water on it. Sarcastic comments, doubts about your past "failures" – all drain your motivation before you even take the first step. Sound...

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What Does Non-Action Cost You TODAY?

community & support Jan 31, 2024

In the light of recent teachings on vision, values, goals, and action, I can't help but reflect.

Why do some people succeed with purposeful action, while others remain stuck in wishful thinking? Why do some achieve faster than others? Often, we dream, want, and wish, but stay glued to talk instead of taking that crucial step. We get stuck in the "I need to do this" loop, never actually doing it.

Procrastination? Lack of discipline? Fear? Feeling unsupported? Probably a combination.

But I believe the real answer lies in the absence of needle-mover action. The most critical thing for achieving your desired results is simply acting. Acting despite fear, despite not feeling like it, despite the daily hustle. Acting on that one thing like your life depends on it, because in a way, it does. And guess what? Your happiness depends on it too. After all, isn't happiness the ultimate outcome we all crave?

But what does inaction truly cost us?

Daily frustration, a vicious cycle of failure,...

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Do These 3 Things Now to Avoid Failing New Year Resolutions (and Actually Create Lasting Change)

community & support Jan 07, 2024


The champagne cork has popped, the glitter settled, and the blank slate of a new year beckons. But with it comes the inevitable flood of resolutions, often destined to fade with the January frost.

This year, break the cycle! Ditch the "all or nothing" approach and embrace a sustainable strategy for lasting change. Here are 3 crucial things you can do right now to avoid resolution failure and set yourself up for success:


1. Zoom Out, Then Refocus: See Far, Aim Close

Start by anchoring your goals in your deepest "why." What do you truly want your life to look like, not just in a year, but at the end of a decade? What values do you want to guide your journey?

Now, break down that ambitious vision into achievable milestones. Think stepping stones: goals for 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, even weekly and daily. Each small action propels you forward, making the long-term vision feel less daunting.


2. Find Your Tribe: Community is Everything

Going solo? You're stacking...

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Setting Boundaries for a Stress-Free Season



The holiday season is upon us, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle.

With travel plans, gift shopping, family gatherings, and the desire to make the most of this special time, it's essential to find balance and protect your well-being. Instead of merely surviving, let's thrive during this magical time of year.


Prefer to listen? Click the image above (9:33)


Step 1. Reflect on the Year.

Take a moment to acknowledge both the celebrations and challenges you've experienced this year. What lessons have you learned, and how can they guide you through end of the year.

Reflecting on your journey sets the stage for prioritizing what truly matters.


Step 2. Prioritize.

Protecting your boundaries starts with valuing YOUR timeDecide what matters most to you during this season. Is it quality time with loved ones, restful sleep, reflection, more giving, or something else entirely?

Whatever it may be, schedule it into your...

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From Fear to Freedom: Embracing Courage and Power

"Use your fear... it can take you to the place where you store your courage." - Amelia Earhart.

This powerful quote shared by my dear friend Angela resonated deeply with me, prompting a reflection on my own journey of conquering fears and finding the courage to create freedom.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal experience with overcoming the fear of public speaking and how it transformed into a source of empowerment. My hope is to inspire you to confront your own fears and recognize the tremendous opportunities that lie beyond them.


The Journey of Conquering Fear

Public speaking is a fear that many of us can relate to, and it has been a significant challenge in my life as well. Twelve years ago, I made a decision to change fear into power. I realized that if I wanted to make a difference, I needed to face this fear head-on. It wasn't an easy path, with moments of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and sweaty hands. But I persevered, pushing through the discomfort...

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The Power of Transformation: A Journey from Struggle to Empowerment - Meet Carolee

community & support Jun 30, 2023

I want to share an incredible story of transformation. Meet Carolee, a remarkable individual I've had the pleasure of knowing for years.

Two years ago, she joined my coaching program, embarking on a fitness journey together. We dove into group accountability calls, focusing on strength-building and weight loss.

During the program, I invited Carolee to join our seven-day healthy cleanse, which she successfully completed multiple times.

Her weight loss journey was already underway, and she was feeling the growing confidence within herself.


A few months ago, Carolee approached me with a heartfelt request. She wanted to join forces and become a Wellness Ambassador, inspired by the tools I offer through Shaklee

As my birthday approached in June, I desired to go on a mission trip to support children—a cause dear to my heart. In an unexpected turn of events, I received a message in May that I had earned a trip from Shaklee. It turned out to be a mission trip to...

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Hero's Journey - Meet Karyn

community & support Jun 02, 2023

Karyn and I had a completion of the Weight Loss Intensive private session earlier, and I thought it would be helpful to record a quick interview to share your experience.


Nadya: Let's jump right into the first question. Before you started the program, what was your main struggle or challenge?

Karyn: My main struggle was that I had been gaining weight over the past 5 to 10 years, partly due to some health issues and also just with age. I had tried various things in the past, but I couldn't stay consistent with anything. I had the knowledge of what I should do, but I struggled with follow-through. I had lots of knowledge but no action.


Nadya: Thank you for sharing that. So, what made you decide to join the program and how has it been working for you so far?

Karyn: I reflected on what I needed and how I could be more intentional and accountable. I realized that having a personal coach who could keep me accountable and help me set goals was important. My sister,...

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