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Do These 3 Things Now to Avoid Failing New Year Resolutions (and Actually Create Lasting Change)

community & support Jan 07, 2024


The champagne cork has popped, the glitter settled, and the blank slate of a new year beckons. But with it comes the inevitable flood of resolutions, often destined to fade with the January frost.

This year, break the cycle! Ditch the "all or nothing" approach and embrace a sustainable strategy for lasting change. Here are 3 crucial things you can do right now to avoid resolution failure and set yourself up for success:


1. Zoom Out, Then Refocus: See Far, Aim Close

Start by anchoring your goals in your deepest "why." What do you truly want your life to look like, not just in a year, but at the end of a decade? What values do you want to guide your journey?

Now, break down that ambitious vision into achievable milestones. Think stepping stones: goals for 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, even weekly and daily. Each small action propels you forward, making the long-term vision feel less daunting.


2. Find Your Tribe: Community is Everything

Going solo? You're stacking the odds against yourself. Studies show that success rates skyrocket when you have a supportive community: 30% on your own, 60% with a group, and a whopping 90% with a coach.

Seek out a like-minded tribe where your desired behaviors are already the norm. This could be

Remember, your environment shapes your habits, so choose one that empowers your goals.


3. Embrace the Journey: Expect the Unexpected

  • Resolutions aren't a destination, they're a winding road with (inevitable) bumps and detours. Shift your mindset: embrace imperfection and celebrate baby steps. Flexibility is key, so plan for contingencies and remember, even a misstep doesn't erase your progress.
  • Prepare for potential setbacks: What challenges might you face? How will your best self respond? "My Power Journal" does a great job keep you focusing on it daily. Visualize not only your long-term vision but also the feeling of overcoming obstacles - it fuels your resilience.
  • Fill the pockets of your day with personal development. Use small moments like walking, doing your makeup, or even washing dishes to practice mindfulness, visualize your goals, or reaffirm your commitment.


Ready to ditch the resolution rollercoaster and crush your goals this year?

Join the Group Power Club!

Get group accountability coaching calls starting Tuesday, January 9th. 

The Power Group is an Ideal Fit if:
• You have the knowledge but seek external accountability and more motivation to take action.
• You thrive in a group setting and appreciate the camaraderie.
• Real-time daily accountability is something you desire.
• Your busy schedule calls for convenience and flexibility.
• You're committed to cultivating consistency in your habits in multiple areas and want more.
• You genuinely want to discover and embrace your voice, power, and live a life filled with confidence and purpose.
• You want to live life on YOUR terms!

But hurry, applications close today! Apply here now!


Let's make this year your most magnificent yet!


 Yours, Nadya

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