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Unlock Your Potential: Discovering Your Non-Negotiables for Success

mindset & mindfulness Oct 19, 2024

Have you ever wondered what truly drives your success? What are those essential elements that, if you were to let go of them, would derail your progress?

In this email, I want to delve into the concept of non-negotiables for success and how they can be the key to unlocking your full power.


What are Non-Negotiables?

Non-negotiables are the fundamental habits that you simply cannot compromise on. They are the building blocks of your success, whether it's in your career, relationships, health, or personal growth. When you upgrade your non-negotiables, you upgrade your life!


Why are Non-Negotiables Important?

  1. Foundation for Success: Think of non-negotiables as the foundation of a house; in health case, the foundation of the Wellness Vortex. Without a strong foundation, the structure is unstable and prone to collapse. Similarly, without a solid foundation of non-negotiables, your success is at risk.
  2. Clarity and Focus: Identifying your...
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The #1 Thing. Part 2.

mindset & mindfulness Sep 15, 2024

 I wanted to reflect on a powerful conversation we had last time about achieving success and making a positive impact.

We often forget the most crucial element: taking care of ourselves – body, mind, and soul. This self-care is the foundation for everything we do. Self-care is not selfish; it's necessary! 



Why Self-Care Matters

Think back to a time you were stressed or burnt out. Was it easy to achieve your goals or feel happy? Probably not.

When we prioritize self-care, we're like well-maintained vehicles. We have the energy, focus, and resilience to navigate life's challenges and reach our full potential. Remember, self-care is vital! Self-care is NOT a compromise. 


 The difference between seeing self-care, or any actions we do, as chore or choice is our internal state of being. Take your actions from INSPIRED state of being!


Follow these 3 proven steps:

  1. Find Your Why: Uncover your core motivation – what truly...
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The #1 Thing. Part 1.


 We’re all busy juggling life’s demands, from work to family to personal goals. We strive for success, but sometimes, we forget the most important thing: ourselves.


In our quest to achieve our dreams, we often prioritize everything else over our own well-being. We pour our energy into relationships, careers, and community involvement, but neglect the one person who needs our support the most: ourselves.



Imagine this:

you’re pouring from an empty cup. How can you expect to give your best to others when you’re running on fumes? The truth is, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential.

Think about it:

we focus so much on work, relationships, and other responsibilities that you often neglect our own needs. We might skip meals, miss workouts, or ignore your mental health. And yet, we expect to be productive, energetic, and happy. How can we expect to feel happy and powerful if we do not generate feeling happy...

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Three Powerful Lessons from My Course Creation Journey


  I want to share three valuable business lessons I learned while creating my Posture Mastery Course.

These lessons can help you achieve your goals, regardless of your industry or profession.


Lesson 1: It's Never Too Late

One of the biggest misconceptions is that it's too late to start something new. Let me tell you, that's simply not true. I became a fitness trainer at 42, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Remember, it's never too late to pursue your passions and make a difference. Just start small and take consistent steps towards your goals. Baby steps!


Lesson 2: Overcome Your Inner Critic

We all have that negative voice in our heads that doubts our abilities and holds us back. It's important to recognize this voice for what it is: a survival mechanism that's trying to protect us.

Instead of letting it hold you back, acknowledge its presence and choose to ignore it. Focus on your goals (there are just stepping-stones) and take action...

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What Your Posture Tells About You

fitness & movement Aug 17, 2024

 The way we carry ourselves speaks volumes before we even utter a word. Our posture is not just about how we look; it's a significant part of our non-verbal communication, influencing how confident, competent, and positive we appear to others.

Here are 7 essential tips drawn from expert advice on mastering your posture, each designed to enhance your personal and professional development.

1. Understand the Importance of Proper Posture:

Recognizing the crucial role posture plays in our lives is the first step. It's more than aesthetics; it's about how we present ourselves to the world. Good posture is aligned with confidence and positivity, affecting both our self-perception and how others perceive us.


2. Leverage First Impressions:

Your posture is a key player in the kind of first impression you leave. As soon as you step into a room, your posture is silently communicating your confidence and positivity. This makes mastering good posture essential for impactful...

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Fitness On the Go: How to Stay Active in Busy Days

fitness & movement Aug 09, 2024

Today, I want to share some tips on how you can stay active and embrace fitness even during the busiest days - all it takes are tiny wins!

 (Apologies for a bad sound. My cell phone was on the computer. And the computer was making happy fan sounds. ;-)

Step 1. Intentional Posture and Movement

Whether you're standing in line, sitting for a meeting, or carrying heavy bags, be mindful of your posture. Good alignment supports your back and contributes to overall well-being. So, roll your shoulders back, engage your core, and stand tall - you'll be amazed at the positive impact it can have! Be intentional. Check out the Proper Posture Course to learn the details of proper postural alignment, functional movement and exercise safety.


Step 2. Stay Active by Embracing Tiny Steps

When time is limited, it's easy to feel discouraged and skip a workout altogether. However, remember that even small bursts of mindful activity matter. Something is always better...

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Discover the Power of Proper Posture

fitness & movement Aug 04, 2024

By mastering proper posture and functional movement, you'll unlock a world of potential: increased strength, heightened body awareness, and newfound confidence.

These are the two most important non-negotiable habits of the fitness & movement pillar of health for a healthy and fit lifestyle.


Stop wasting money on gym memberships!

The fitness industry has misled us into believing that hitting the gym is the only path to wellness. Our ancestors were fit without gyms! They moved naturally through daily activities like hunting, gathering, and gardening. Read "The Blue Zones of Happiness" book. While some of these activities are still relevant, others aren't so much.

What can we do?


The Solution: Back to Basics!

Before diving into intense workouts, focus on building a strong foundation. These are the levels of developing movement as a habitual way of being vs. just a desired behavior we keep talking about it.


Hierarchy of Conscious...

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Don't Feed Your Emotions, Eat How You Want to Feel!

food & nutrition Jul 21, 2024

Every symptom, craving, or behavior around food has a POSITIVE INTENTION. Therefore, these cravings and behaviors aren't the problem - they're simply the best solution you've come up with so far.


When things are tough, it's easy to turn to comfort foods for a quick mood boost. But the problem is, this creates a vicious cycle. We feel better for a short time, then experience guilt and weight gain.

What if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? It's all about knowing when it's time to change. I'm not asking for drastic changes - just small, manageable steps in the right direction.

Habit loop or health loop? The choice is yours.

It's a habit loop either way. So which loop do you choose: healthy patterns or distracting patterns? If you're committed and ready, the answer is obvious. Remember, your relationship with food and your body impacts more than just what you eat.

Let's dive into how to eat to generate positive emotions, not feed your emotions.

Step 1: Put on your...

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Is is time for a cleanse yet?

food & nutrition Jul 13, 2024

Nadya here, to help you decide whether or not it’s time for a cleanse.


The body is designed to be self-cleaning and to excrete toxins, but here’s the problem…. It can’t always handle the toxic overload present in today’s environment. Chemicals not excreted accumulate in our fat cells and cell membranes become internal toxins. These toxins corrode the body from the inside out, making it harder to lose weight, have more energy or feel good in your body.



So what is a cleanse?

A cleanse is a gentle way of clearing excess toxins from the body so it can operate at it’s highest potential. Think of a cleanse as something that delivers an all access pass to boundless reserves of energy that you didn’t know you had! You’ll find that every part of your body works better simply by “switching on” your metabolism through cleansing.

My clients find that cleansing helps them:
• Shed excess weight (especially...

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How to Have Fun with Accountability


Recently I have been reflecting on my teaching Own Your Health to Own Your Life. And today I want to reflect on making accountability fun. Accountability helps consistency, especially at early stages of a habit building, and making it fun keeps the game long-term. Our brain loooves reward and that's why making it fun about! 

Let's dive!  


Life can be either a fun adventure or a miserable experience. 

Accountability is a part of life. Therefore, we can treat it as either adventure with fun or experience with misery.  It's really up to us.


When I first talk to my potential clients, I often hear how dreadful accountability is for them; though, they know that's exactly what they need to help stick to the journey and be consistent. 

So, how do we make accountability not so dreadful and miserable? How do we make it as something we look forward to vs running away?


Before we jump in, do you know what you need an accountability...

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