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I Am Thankful - 2024

about nadya tatsch Nov 28, 2024


I am thankful for my life.  

For years I lived.  

I am thankful for the spirit  

I choose in a moment.  


I am thankful for sunrise  

To remind of a new beginning,  

Breathe deep and smile.  


I am thankful for fresh air  

To swallow life  

and space to be.  


I am thankful for the first sip of morning coffee  

That slows the moment.  

I close my eyes  

and feel  



I am thankful for morning movement  

To birth energy and hunger  


I am thankful for clarity  

To flow through my day  

With power I choose.  


I am thankful for people  

I meet along the way of life  

To expend together   

In communication and love.  


I am thankful for struggles  

To build my strength  

And gift experience.  


I am thankful for afternoon tea  

To stop and be...

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HI! I am Nadya Tatsch! My Journey Continues. October 2024

about nadya tatsch Oct 27, 2024


waking up in the morning, feeling rested and excited in anticipation of what's to come. No more groggy mornings or feeling overwhelmed. You've built a self-care routine that helps you navigate life's challenges with ease.

Remember those days of feeling down and out? Well, those are long gone. You've learned to quiet your mind and focus on what truly matters. You've replaced negative thinking with positive affirmations and gratitude.

Now, you choose healthy foods that nourish your body. You love the way you look and feel. You walk past the mirror with appreciation rather than self-loathing. Gone are the days of self-doubt and body shaming. You've embraced self-love and appreciation.

You actually look forward to your workouts. You've discovered the power of movement and the incredible feeling of strength and energy it brings.

This is the foundation of a truly empowered life. You're no longer living in sickness; you're thriving in wellness. Your personal well-being...

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Three Powerful Lessons from My Course Creation Journey


  I want to share three valuable business lessons I learned while creating my Posture Mastery Course.

These lessons can help you achieve your goals, regardless of your industry or profession.


Lesson 1: It's Never Too Late

One of the biggest misconceptions is that it's too late to start something new. Let me tell you, that's simply not true. I became a fitness trainer at 42, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Remember, it's never too late to pursue your passions and make a difference. Just start small and take consistent steps towards your goals. Baby steps!


Lesson 2: Overcome Your Inner Critic

We all have that negative voice in our heads that doubts our abilities and holds us back. It's important to recognize this voice for what it is: a survival mechanism that's trying to protect us.

Instead of letting it hold you back, acknowledge its presence and choose to ignore it. Focus on your goals (there are just stepping-stones) and take action...

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Celebrating 21 Years & Embracing Confidence!

about nadya tatsch Jun 23, 2024

Happy Sunday!

I'm closing out a celebratory three-month season with a final personal milestone: today marks 21 years since I came to the U.S.


Looking back,

my personal transformation stands out the most. I went from being a very shy child and young adult (still one to think before I speak!) to someone willing to speak up and confidently teaching others. In fact, I've gone from having limited knowledge of physical health to actively practicing, coaching, and training others. That's the power of practicing confidence, my friends!

Sure, I still get shy sometimes, and thoughts can creep in, but I don't let them rule me. I act my best, knowing this journey continuously shapes me into a confident and competent individual.


Another highlight is the tenacity I've developed.

I've fiercely (some might say ferociously!) grown my business from claiming my independence to now coaching others on wellness and business growth. I'm also building my team of wellness ambassadors so we...

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📖 My Confession: How I Created My Power Journal

Happy Sunday, {{ first_name }}!

The Juggling Act: Priorities and a Struggle for Balance

In this huge world, it's easy to get trapped in a never-ending loop of to-dos and responsibilities. We get entangled with priorities, sometimes wondering how to prioritize them. We feel trapped, stuck, and want to find a way to do better.

On top of that, our health suffers. We neglect prioritizing self-care. Workouts get pushed to another day. Fast food becomes a convenient solution. We foster the habit of not eating on time, don't have time to cook or prep – the list goes on. Our health pays the price: overweight, stressed, and just surviving.


What If There Was a Solution?

What if you had a solution that fits your busy lifestyle? What if it gently reminded you of what's important? What if you took just a few minutes to reflect? What if you had a coach in your pocket?


A Time of Immense Challenge: My 2020

Back in 2020, I had one of the most difficult times of my life. COVID,...

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My Fitness Journey - Never Too Late


A Note of Inspiration

Today, I want to share my story: a story about overcoming self-doubt, embracing movement, and proving that it's truly never too late to start your fitness journey, or any journey for that matter.


My No-Fitness Background

Believe it or not, I wasn't always the fitness enthusiast I am today. In fact, gym class was my least favorite subject in school. Running felt like torture, and let's not even mention sit-ups! I remember dragging my feet to class and feeling discouraged.

Fast forward to my 40s, and things hadn't changed much. Then, a friend invited me on a Wednesday morning run. I was hesitant – 5 kilometers seemed like an impossible feat! After each run, my hips were hurting – the kind of pain no one wants to feel.

One day at the gym, I saw a sign for "leg day" classes. Perfect, I thought! This was the turning point. For the first time, I learned proper form – how to run correctly, how to avoid injuries, and how to truly engage my...

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A Little Girl's Journey

about nadya tatsch Jan 20, 2024


Prefer to listen?


In a distant memory,

I see a five-year-old little girl sitting in a dark corner. She has her arms wrapped around her legs and her head is hiding between the circle of her arms and knees. She feels scared. She does not even know for sure why. But what she does know for sure, is if she keeps sitting like this—quiet, silent—no one will either hear her or see her. And that means she is safe.

Twenty-five years later, she finds herself in a different country. She is a young mom with two beautiful daughters. She is married and living in a beautiful house. Everything looks perfect on the outside. But on the inside, she feels sick and tired and worn, and sitting in the same position hugging her knees. Except now she is at her favorite spot, looking straight across a peaceful lake and questioning her ‘silent’ life, questioning her worth.


“Why is my business not breaking through, why am I feeling drained in my marriage, why...

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Unlock Your Wellness Vortex: Navigating Your Path to Personal Power


I'm thrilled and a bit jittery to share a topic that's deeply meaningful to me - the Wellness Vortex.

I'm no stranger to fear and excitement, and the feeling is akin to standing on the precipice of a towering mountain. You see, I have a fear of heights, yet I've been steadily ascending this imposing peak. From a young age, I've been diligently taking one step after another, tending to various aspects of my life – personal wellness, finances, business, family, and relationships. It's been an arduous climb, and I've often wondered if there's an end in sight. What if this mountain isn't what it seems? What if, instead of an endless ascent, I can tap into its energy, gain clarity, and embrace a path that leads to genuine wellness?

The journey involves establishing non-negotiable self-care practices, mastering them, and riding the momentum into the Wellness Vortex, ultimately owning my personal power. This is precisely what the Wellness Vortex represents, and I invite you to...

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From Fear to Freedom: Embracing Courage and Power

"Use your fear... it can take you to the place where you store your courage." - Amelia Earhart.

This powerful quote shared by my dear friend Angela resonated deeply with me, prompting a reflection on my own journey of conquering fears and finding the courage to create freedom.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal experience with overcoming the fear of public speaking and how it transformed into a source of empowerment. My hope is to inspire you to confront your own fears and recognize the tremendous opportunities that lie beyond them.


The Journey of Conquering Fear

Public speaking is a fear that many of us can relate to, and it has been a significant challenge in my life as well. Twelve years ago, I made a decision to change fear into power. I realized that if I wanted to make a difference, I needed to face this fear head-on. It wasn't an easy path, with moments of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and sweaty hands. But I persevered, pushing through the discomfort...

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The Story of My Life

about nadya tatsch Apr 02, 2023

When was the last time you shared your story in order to inspire and touch someone's heart?  Maybe that isn’t easy because you are still going through it. And, you still choose to share it in hopes of inspiring and motivating others?


I am here to encourage you and say it's time to share your story. Its time to share it in a way you have not done before. And in this journey, the clarity of why we do what we do is born. Consider your life a perfectly written novel and to tell your story from that perspective.


Here is the formula for "The Story of My Life" Novel. 

I invite you to do your own.

Step 1. Take your age. 

Step 2. Divide it by 10. 

Step 3. Multiply by 2. 

As a result, you will have  5 chapters of your life, plus a what’s next chapter. 


Here is my formula:  I'm 44, so each of my chapters are 8.8 years. 

The 1st chapter of my life is through age 9, the next chapter to 18, then 18 to 27, 27 to 36,...

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