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Don't Set Fix-It Goals, Align with Vision & Values

mindset & mindfulness Jan 14, 2024

Hey there, dreamers and visionaries! Tired of setting goals that feel more like bandaids than blueprints for your best life? You're not alone. I've been there too, chasing shiny things to fill some inner void. But guess what? True happiness and purpose come from aligning your goals with your vision and values. Think of it like building a house: a sturdy foundation of self-discovery leads to a vibrant, fulfilling life you actually love living.


So, let's ditch the "gotta fix it" mentality and get inspired!


1. Uncover Your Why

It all starts with clarity. Who are you? What lights you up? What legacy do you want to leave behind? This isn't just woo-woo stuff, it's powerful introspection. Imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What skills shine through? What relationships nourish you? This becomes your North Star, guiding every decision and goal.


2. Values Fuel Your Journey

Values are your roadmap. They're the principles that guide your actions and choices. Are you compassionate, adventurous, creative? Identifying your core values helps you prioritize and stay true to yourself as you navigate life's twists and turns.


3. Align Goals with Vision & Values

Now, the magic happens! Align your goals with your vision and values. Instead of aiming for "get fit," maybe it's "embrace movement that brings joy and energy." Notice the shift? It's not about the final destination, but the joy of the journey – a journey fueled by passion and purpose.


4. Smart Goals for Sustainable Success

Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Think "mastering a handstand in 90 days" instead of "be more flexible." But remember, progress, not perfection, is key!


5. Build Systems for Momentum

Sustainability is vital. Create systems that support your goals, like daily self-care rituals or journaling with "My Power Journal". And don't underestimate the power of accountability! Find a coach, join a supportive community, or teach someone else – sharing your journey fuels everyone's fire.


6. Embrace Setbacks, Rise Stronger

Life throws curveballs. Prepare for them! Visualize how your best self would handle challenges, and have a toolbox ready – maybe meditation or a trusted friend. Remember, setbacks are opportunities for growth.


Ready to unlock your highest potential

Here's your action plan:

    • Set your 90-day challenge and let me know what it is.
    • Embrace My Power Journal for powerful self-accountability. In addition to owning the Journal, you can join the discussion and share your journey!
    • Join our Power Club for a group accountability! You can also request to work with me 1-on-1.


Let's stop settling for "meh" and build lives that resonate with joy, purpose, and meaning. Together, we can transform goals from fleeting fixes to stepping stones on a journey to our most incredible selves.


Go forth and dream big, beautiful souls!


 Yours, Nadya

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Vision Board bundle (course + workshop)!

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