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Why Do Some Succeed While Others Struggle? Finding Support on Your Solo Wellness Journey


We all crave happiness, that's a given. We chase it through countless efforts, yet some of us reach that blissful state seemingly easier than others. Why the disparity? A few weeks ago, we discussed the importance of taking action, but today, I want to highlight the crucial role of support in your journey, especially at the beginning.


 If you'd rather watch, here is an 11-min video I recorded a while ago. 


Studies show that our success rate doubles when we have others cheering us on. So, let's see if any of this resonates with you (remember, no judgment, just curiosity).


Where Do You Find Yourself?

Scenario 1: You dream of starting your wellness journey, but before you even begin, your spouse throws cold water on it. Sarcastic comments, doubts about your past "failures" – all drain your motivation before you even take the first step. Sound...

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What Does Non-Action Cost You TODAY?

community & support Jan 31, 2024

In the light of recent teachings on vision, values, goals, and action, I can't help but reflect.

Why do some people succeed with purposeful action, while others remain stuck in wishful thinking? Why do some achieve faster than others? Often, we dream, want, and wish, but stay glued to talk instead of taking that crucial step. We get stuck in the "I need to do this" loop, never actually doing it.

Procrastination? Lack of discipline? Fear? Feeling unsupported? Probably a combination.

But I believe the real answer lies in the absence of needle-mover action. The most critical thing for achieving your desired results is simply acting. Acting despite fear, despite not feeling like it, despite the daily hustle. Acting on that one thing like your life depends on it, because in a way, it does. And guess what? Your happiness depends on it too. After all, isn't happiness the ultimate outcome we all crave?

But what does inaction truly cost us?

Daily frustration, a vicious cycle of failure,...

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A Little Girl's Journey

about nadya tatsch Jan 20, 2024


Prefer to listen?


In a distant memory,

I see a five-year-old little girl sitting in a dark corner. She has her arms wrapped around her legs and her head is hiding between the circle of her arms and knees. She feels scared. She does not even know for sure why. But what she does know for sure, is if she keeps sitting like this—quiet, silent—no one will either hear her or see her. And that means she is safe.

Twenty-five years later, she finds herself in a different country. She is a young mom with two beautiful daughters. She is married and living in a beautiful house. Everything looks perfect on the outside. But on the inside, she feels sick and tired and worn, and sitting in the same position hugging her knees. Except now she is at her favorite spot, looking straight across a peaceful lake and questioning her ‘silent’ life, questioning her worth.


“Why is my business not breaking through, why am I feeling drained in my marriage, why...

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Don't Set Fix-It Goals, Align with Vision & Values

mindset & mindfulness Jan 14, 2024

Hey there, dreamers and visionaries! Tired of setting goals that feel more like bandaids than blueprints for your best life? You're not alone. I've been there too, chasing shiny things to fill some inner void. But guess what? True happiness and purpose come from aligning your goals with your vision and values. Think of it like building a house: a sturdy foundation of self-discovery leads to a vibrant, fulfilling life you actually love living.


So, let's ditch the "gotta fix it" mentality and get inspired!


1. Uncover Your Why

It all starts with clarity. Who are you? What lights you up? What legacy do you want to leave behind? This isn't just woo-woo stuff, it's powerful introspection. Imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What skills shine through? What relationships nourish you? This becomes your North Star, guiding every decision and goal.


2. Values Fuel Your Journey

Values are your roadmap. They're the principles that guide your actions and choices. Are...

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Do These 3 Things Now to Avoid Failing New Year Resolutions (and Actually Create Lasting Change)

community & support Jan 07, 2024


The champagne cork has popped, the glitter settled, and the blank slate of a new year beckons. But with it comes the inevitable flood of resolutions, often destined to fade with the January frost.

This year, break the cycle! Ditch the "all or nothing" approach and embrace a sustainable strategy for lasting change. Here are 3 crucial things you can do right now to avoid resolution failure and set yourself up for success:


1. Zoom Out, Then Refocus: See Far, Aim Close

Start by anchoring your goals in your deepest "why." What do you truly want your life to look like, not just in a year, but at the end of a decade? What values do you want to guide your journey?

Now, break down that ambitious vision into achievable milestones. Think stepping stones: goals for 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, even weekly and daily. Each small action propels you forward, making the long-term vision feel less daunting.


2. Find Your Tribe: Community is Everything

Going solo? You're stacking...

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Don't Wait Until January: Embrace Self-Compassion This Holiday Season

mindset & mindfulness Dec 10, 2023


The holidays are a time for joy, family, and togetherness. But amidst the hustle and bustle, it's easy to neglect self-care. This year, let's change that. Instead of waiting until New Year's resolutions kick in, let's embrace self-compassion right now, during this hectic time.

Click on the image above to listen

Think about it: when life gets busy, wouldn't you treat your child or loved one with extra care and understanding? Why not extend the same kindness to yourself?

What type of person are you in December?

Before diving into self-compassion practices, let's acknowledge the different ways people approach self-care during the holidays:

  • The "New Year's Resolution" Type: These folks wait until January 1st to start any significant changes, often setting unrealistic goals that lead to disappointment.
  • The "Preparation Pro" Type: These individuals are proactive, researching and planning for their future goals, like reading books or taking courses.
  • The "Not Ready Yet"...
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Maintaining Wellness During the Holidays: A Guide to Embracing Simplicity and Joy

mindset & mindfulness Dec 03, 2023

The holidays are a time for joy, gathering with loved ones, and creating cherished memories. However, amidst the excitement and festivities, it's easy to let our health and wellness routines fall by the wayside.

To navigate this season gracefully and maintain your sense of well-being, I'd like to offer us some key takeaways:


Embrace Simplicity:

  • Prioritize Non-Negotiables: Identify the minimum actions you need to take care of yourself, whether it's movement, meditation, or a healthy meal. These non-negotiables are your foundation for a balanced holiday season.
  • Block Your Time: Schedule your non-negotiables into your calendar and communicate them to others. This sets expectations and helps you stay accountable.
  • Utilize Slow Times: Take advantage of quiet moments to focus on your well-being, whether it's early mornings or while others are busy.

Manage Social Expectations:

  • Develop Inner Wisdom: When faced with requests that...
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10 Ideas to Hit Your Daily Step Goal

fitness & movement Nov 11, 2023

I have 10 ideas for us to hit your daily steps without struggling in the gym or taking a long walk!



  • Brush Teeth While Walking: Multitask by getting in some steps while you brush your teeth. 

At Work

  • Park Far: Whenever you go out, intentionally park your car a bit farther away from your destination. 
  • Walk and Talk: Make your phone calls or video chats more active by pacing around while you chat. 
  • Use a Stand-Up Desk: If you have the option, work at a stand-up desk to avoid sitting for too long. 
  • Hourly Movement Breaks: Set a reminder to get up and move around for a few minutes every hour. 
  • Take a Longer Route to the Bathroom: Don't choose the closest restroom; opt for one that requires a bit of a walk. 
  • Pick Up Things in the Office / House: Use tidying up as an opportunity to get extra steps in. 

At Home

  • Kitchen Circles: While waiting for something to cook in the microwave, make...
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Redefining Weight Loss

mindset & mindfulness Nov 04, 2023

As the holiday season approaches, we often find ourselves preoccupied with thoughts of overindulgence and weight gain. It's a time when many resign themselves to the idea of gaining weight and plan to lose it afterward.

What if we could shift our perspective and view 'weight' as a lifelong journey rather than a temporary fix?


In this blog post, we will explore the concept of weight loss as a sustainable lifestyle. Instead of seeing it as a daunting task that interrupts our habits, we'll discover how small adjustments can make a big difference in the long run.


1. Nutrition: Start with Small Adjustments

Let's begin by focusing on nourishing our bodies. Instead of embarking on drastic diets, we can take baby steps towards healthier eating.

For instance:

  1. We can start by increasing our water intake to promote a sense of fullness.
  2. We can incorporate more fiber into our diet can enhance satisfaction and aid digestion, as most of us only consume about 3% of the recommended...
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Honoring Hunger and Fullness

food & nutrition Oct 15, 2023

Are you ready to dive into a crucial discussion about honoring hunger and fullness? At times, it's something we all need to address, especially when the holiday season rolls around, or life gets busier than usual. Let's explore why it's essential to pay attention to these physical signals and why treating your body like a "baby" can lead to healthier habits.

Before we delve into it, here's a quick reminder: if you find topics like this intriguing and wish to explore them further, consider joining our upcoming three-step system to prevent overeating, which is incredibly valuable during the holidays. Additionally, you might want to keep an eye on  "My Power Journal," currently available for pre-sale. Stay connected with us by subscribing to our newsletter at You'll receive updates about our training and exclusive offers.


Why Honor Hunger and Fullness

Now, let's talk about the concept of honoring hunger and fullness. It's a topic that...

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