Own Your Health to Own Your Life

Are you in pain? Physical, emotional?

Too busy to put anything else on your plate?

You want to break through unhealthy behaviors & build consistency in healthy habits.

So you can live life with energy, vitality & power!


Top 15 Coach in Dallas in 2024 by Influence Digest

TCM. Transformational Coach in Behavior and Habit Change

CHC. CLH. Certified Health Coach and Life Coach

CPT. CES. Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist

CNC. WLS. Certified Nutrition Coach and Weight Loss Specialist

Your FREE “5-Step Transformation” Guide 



This powerful, simple, and FREE guide will help you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and take immediate action in just a few minutes.

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You're probably already succeeding in many areas of your life.

But you know something is not right.

You look strong, confident, and successful.

You help others but come home and have no energy to work out. Even cooking dinner is often overwhelming. All you really want to do is to sit on the couch, watch Netflix and relax. 


You know you have to change something.


You want balance, and strength. You want to make healthy choices. You want to enjoy yourself and look forward to exercising.

You know you want to prioritize yourself but don't know how with so many demands in life.

BUT you might be saying:

"I don't have time."
"My job is too demanding."
"In an ideal world."
"I have tried many things in the past."

"I am too tired and don't feel like it."

"I know I should be exercising and eating better."


Remember this...  the best possible way to prioritize yourself is to master showing up for yourself.

You are NOT ALONE!

Welcome to Your Total Lifestyle Transformation!

The Wellness Vortex Habit Change Model


A Solid Accountability Group


Consistent Sustainable Results


I know you are very busy and I also know that you know there is never a better time but NOW!

We are waiting for you!

Start your transformation TODAY!

"The Wellness Vortex" Habit Change Model


20 Non-Negotiable Habits built on three fundamental pillars of health:

  • Mindset & Mindfulness: Cultivate a positive mindset, mindfulness, and mental fitness.
  • Nutrition & Food: Learning what, how and why to eat, personalized nutrition for your stage of life and goals.
  • Fitness & Movement: Be active, learn proper posture, functional movement, love your body with intention to prevent injuries, build strength, vitality, and flexibility.


3 Phases of Habit Formation: Foundation, Momentum, Mastery, to create long-lasting sustainable results.


10 Life Principles, to ensure mastery of wellness. 


What's your Self-Care Score? Take a Quiz to find out >>


Own Your Health to Own Your Life

The Power Club

A supportive community of like-minded individuals dedicated to encouraging and uplifting each other on the journey to wellness mastery. Here, we believe that the power of connection, motivation, and collective growth can create a ripple effect in the world of wellness.

Levels of Membership:

  • Private: Receive tailored, one-on-one support designed to help you achieve your unique wellness goals. Whether you're aiming for a total transformation or focusing on a specific pillar, such as fitness or nutrition, personalized sessions will guide you to mastery. Schedule a conversation today to discuss how I can help you achieve your unique wellness goals.
  • Group: Engage in a vibrant, interactive community with group coaching and fitness classes. Join our Master Your Wellness 12-month membership program for a comprehensive lifestyle transformation.
  • On-Demand: Access a wide range of wellness resources anytime, anywhere. Enjoy monthly live training sessions, available at your convenience to fit your busy lifestyle. Check it out

At The Power Club, we provide the encouragement and tools you need to turn your wellness goals into lasting habits. Join us and start mastering your wellness today!

It's Better Together!

Are you ready to

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first?

Breakthrough pain into strength and power?

Have strength in your body and mind, balance in health and life so you can have the life you really desire?

Download Free Guide
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Success Stories

"I would not have made it through COVID if I had not regained my health and fitness."


Lives Transformed, Thousands of Dollars Saved

“Nadya is a fantastic fitness guide but most importantly, a mindset coach. Her accountability concept about one’s ‘non-negotiables’ has really made a huge impact on me. I am usually an all-or-nothing type of perfectionist but with a toddler now, I have to find a way to still make myself a priority when he throws off my plans. And being flexible about what part is negotiable and then dedicated to what isn’t is making all the difference in staying committed to my self-care.” - Summer, Seattle

"Over the decades, I've spent thousands of dollars on therapy to learn habit change - getting rid of negative self-talk, reacting instead of responding, sandwiching a negative response between two positives, etc. - when all I had to do was come to Nadya's coaching sessions :-D" - Jean Chastain

"What makes Nadya a gem is her sincerity; she comes from her core and walks her talk.  Her offerings are also her own personal practices.  In addition to addressing our physical selves, Nadya pulls in other life aspects that help us feel most alive- nutrition and mindset.  She structures her time to maximize effectiveness: offering additional trainings, such as with time management, answering questions, and making nutritional suggestions to maximize workout benefits.  She obviously lives the benefits of her teachings." - Anne C.

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