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How to find purpose as an empty nester or in retirement

mindset & mindfulness Mar 19, 2023

How do I know my purpose? How do I know my true big Why? How do I know what's really true for me? How do I know if my gut is telling me the truth? 

And what if I know my why but how can I find the strength, confidence, and tenacity to keep going and not give up? How do I know I am strong enough?

When I sent you a survey last week asking what's important to you after 40, some of you mentioned finding purpose after becoming an empty nester and during retirement. 

Your answers inspired me to take a deeper look at my own life. And even though I am only 44, I am starting to ponder the same questions.


By the way, these and more topics we will be covering in the upcoming training "Healthy After 40" on March 24th, Friday 10:30am-12pm CST.

We will cover these five points:

  1. How to be consistent with healthy habits  
  2. Prevention of age-related degeneration
  3. How to find purpose as an empty nester or in retirement 
  4. Safe exercise for limited  mobility 
  5. How to stay energized and motivated 



To address "how do I find life's purpose after I am retired or an empty nester, and, in fact, for anyone, I wanted to share the message I stumbled across a while ago. "In silence,  I found my power." It may not be the only answer, but I feel it is the foundation to an answer that helps us truly live our deep purpose in life and find joy at every life stage. 


Peace into Power message

 ‌September, 2021

As some of you may know, last weekend I went to Fairfield Iowa.  Not because I had free time, but because I just had to go. I had to change my environment,  see something different, and more than anything, feel the quietness of consciousness this town is famous for.

As you may remember, in April I went to a Self-Care retreat in Pamana. I was looking to find my next level of self-care. I had already been taking care of my restful sleep, meditations, journaling, fresh as possible diet, exercise, developing my mindset and beyond, but there was still something unsettled in all that routine. My routine felt like an obligation or schoolwork you just must do.

On my trip to Pamana, I found the answer: I found that I wanted to be myself; quiet and silent, and in my silence, I found my power. I realized I didn't have to be someone else; louder, happier, more sociable, more energized, or outspoken. I didn't have to be any of that if it's just not who I am right at this moment. If I want to be quiet, lie on my back, and sleep for 2 hours after a large in-person meeting (after all, I am an introvert and you may not even know it), I am giving myself permission to be me and do just that.

In my quiet time in Panama, I found my voice. I found my power.

Since that trip, I have been asking my inner wisdom to show me the way to keep my quiet power in my everyday busy life. I wanted to keep my silence, my strength while still being effective. If you have been talking with me lately, you might have noticed the shift.

I went to Fairfield Iowa to plumb the depths of my inner silence


 Today I'd like to share my journal entry with you. It's personal.

"Quiet. The tranquility of silence.  Nature roaring with Bliss. I spent my first morning alone in the Eco Barn watching the sunrise.

 Mind is in peace. Body relaxed and blissful. My Soul is full. All is well. Nothing to fix. No problem to solve. Life is light. Light is life. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and release my breath gently into the light. The corners of my mouth curl up in a smile. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I feel purely full and happy. Nowhere to be. Nowhere to go. Nothing to say. Full and complete. Time slows."


It's been a week since my trip. I deeply understand that the message I got is to keep my silence and power during my busy daily life. The quietness of mind is the foundation of my strength in my work, my relationships,  and more than anything,  in loving and accepting myself. To keep quiet strength in every moment, not just weekends or holidays or vacations;  in every moment, every action, every word,  every bite, every breath. After all, it's all a choice. I can tell you now more than anything, it's worth it!

Thank you for sharing your time and reading this message.

Peace. Love. Power.

Yours, Nadya


March 24th, Friday 10:30am-12pm CST.

We will cover these five points:

  1. How to be consistent with healthy habits  
  2. Prevention of age-related degeneration
  3. How to find purpose as an empty nester or in retirement 
  4. Safe exercise for limited  mobility 
  5. How to stay energized and motivated 


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