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Maintaining Wellness During the Holidays: A Guide to Embracing Simplicity and Joy

mindset & mindfulness Dec 03, 2023

The holidays are a time for joy, gathering with loved ones, and creating cherished memories. However, amidst the excitement and festivities, it's easy to let our health and wellness routines fall by the wayside.

To navigate this season gracefully and maintain your sense of well-being, I'd like to offer us some key takeaways:


Embrace Simplicity:

  • Prioritize Non-Negotiables: Identify the minimum actions you need to take care of yourself, whether it's movement, meditation, or a healthy meal. These non-negotiables are your foundation for a balanced holiday season.
  • Block Your Time: Schedule your non-negotiables into your calendar and communicate them to others. This sets expectations and helps you stay accountable.
  • Utilize Slow Times: Take advantage of quiet moments to focus on your well-being, whether it's early mornings or while others are busy.

Manage Social Expectations:

  • Develop Inner Wisdom: When faced with requests that conflict with your wellness plan, ask yourself if fulfilling them will leave you feeling good or not. Choose your responses based on what truly promotes your well-being.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no gracefully and firmly. Offer alternative solutions or explain how fulfilling the request would impact your well-being.
  • Communicate Effectively: Talk to your loved ones about your needs and preferences. Open dialogue can help avoid misunderstandings and foster mutual support.

Enjoy the Freedom of the Holidays:

  • Take It Easy: Don't be afraid to relax and have fun. Enjoy the special moments and delicious treats without guilt or pressure.
  • Plan for Sabotage: Mentally rehearse potential situations that might challenge your well-being. Prepare your best self to handle them with grace and resilience.
  • Embrace the Moment: Be present in the moment and enjoy the company of your loved ones. Focus on creating positive experiences and lasting memories. 

Additional Tools:

  • Give a gift of Health and Love: Consider "My Power Journal" as a thoughtful holiday gift that promotes non-negotiable self-care and positive growth in all areas of life
  • Give our morning workouts a try here.


Remember, this holiday season is about celebrating love, joy, and connection. By embracing simplicity, managing expectations, and taking care of yourself, you can create a truly fulfilling experience for yourself and those around you.


Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!


Yours, Nadya

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