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How do you know when you are ready?

mindset & mindfulness Jan 22, 2023

The holidays are behind us. I said it last week, but today it's really truly clear and unquestionable. We are definitely looking at what's ahead of us. We need to move forward. We need to get started on those New Year resolutions and goals. We just gotta go.


I am curious.. Where do you find yourself today? 


Are you still feeling like waking up from holidays and taking it slow and easy? Are you still in planning and strategizing mode? 

Maybe you already talking about your goals but have not yet made that first action. Maybe you are talking about it with other people in order to find guidance, support,  or help. You may feel some anxiousness and uncertainty. 


Maybe you went on vacation and just relaxed and enjoyed yourself. :-)


Some of us are already in action! Is that you? You have done your planning and hit the ground running. You are rocking your actions and well on the way to realizing your goals. You are excited for this year. This year is gonna be your best yet year ever!  Kudos!


And some of us might be somewhere between those two: we are planning and gently taking action but not yet full speed ahead.

We may feel ambiguous feelings of being ready and excited and anxious and sad. The heart and head might even be arguing with each other. That can really slow us down. 


Which one are you?

And again, if you feel that more time to vision and evaluate would help, let me know when you can attend "Turn Your Vision Into Action" One-Hour Intensive Session. 


Here is the point

For those of us who are still on the fence; planning, thinking, talking, strategizing,  not feeling certain, not clear, anxious and just simply don't feel yet ready, I have a question for you:




Let's break down this question and contemplate a bit.

First of all, "Ready" for what? I would ask, what is that one thing that you know needs to be on the top of your vision board. 

Second of all, imagine you are sitting with someone and telling them about this one thing, your actions steps, and all your feelings around it. 

And lastly, imagine that after having listened to everything you said, you asked your listener the question, do you think I am ready?

What would she/he say?

If the answer is Yes, the main message is,

YOU MAY NEVER FEEL LIKE IT, but you know you are ready.

Here is my urgent request to all of us:

Find a guide, someone who can formally or informally support you, ask for help, hire a coach (if it's about my expert areas of mindset, nutrition and health, ask me) and just go and do it!!

What's now? 

If you still need to plan your actions and learn tools to be consistent, "Turn Your Vision Into Actions" event might be a good fit. 

January 26th 
1:30 PM CST register here 
5:30 PM CST register here 

If you want to restart healthy eating habits, create a solid daily self care routine, need ongoing accountability and thrive in the group, weekly group accountability calls still have a few openings. Check out schedule and apply here

If you know you need physical strength and need to start somewhere, we just started a fresh new Fusion Flow, Level 1, class. Sign up here.

If you are a private kinda person or not sure yet, schedule a talk with me here, and let's discover what program fits your best needs. 

And here to us never giving up! 


Yours, Nadya



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