5 Mistakes We Make that Keep Us from Losing Weight

How to Break the “Quick-Fix” Weight-Loss Cycle Without Restricting, Fad Diets or Starving Yourself


5 Mistakes We Make that Keep Us from Losing Weight









Have you been struggling to lose weight?


Have you started diet after diet, only to fall off the wagon and go back to your old eating habits a few weeks later?

Do you want to commit to improving your eating and exercise habits, but you have no idea where to start?


And you DON’T have to do it ALONE.


Sometimes, losing weight feels like a constant battle....


Lose five pounds, gain three back... Lose two pounds, gain four back...

It feels like an endless cycle, and you might find yourself discouraged and ready to give up on your goals.




There are five mistakes just about everyone makes when they want to lose weight — simply because they’re relying on outdated methods, or they simply don’t know where to start:


1. Setting a deadline (like an upcoming vacation) or limited timeframe (such as doing a 3-day cleanse) for when they need to lose the weight

2. Adopting a deprivation mentality, not realizing that cutting calories or eliminating certain foods, for example, can actually have a negative impact on weight loss

3. Doing too much cardio, and either doing not enough strength training, or none at all

4. Doing it all by yourself, without any ongoing accountability or support, like from a trusted friend, trainer or coach

5. Not taking time to slow down and care for themselves — they live in a constant state of stress, always on the go, to the detriment of their physical and mental health


That’s why I’m hosting this FREE WEBINAR, where I’ll share with you EXACTLY how you can stop making these mistakes, and instead, master a few simple habits and mindset hacks to finally shed those unwanted pounds for good!


How would you feel if you knew EXACTLY what steps you needed to take to finally lose the weight with ease?

Would you feel like you had the confidence to be the happy, healthy person you know you can be?





During our time together you’ll discover:


1. How to shift your lifestyle — and your mindset — to stop self-sabotaging and learn to love yourself so you can finally lose the weight;

2. How to ditch the “quick fixes” and fad diets so you can take off the pounds in a way that’s healthy and sustainable

3. How to focus on yourself holistically so you understand how to combine proper nutrition, sleep, exercise, and self-care for permanent weight loss

4. How to stop relying on willpower and instead, use food, rest and exercise to powerfully normalize your body and help the weight come off with ease

5. How to find the right support — whether it’s working 1:1 with a coach, joining a support group, or both — to help you make the lifestyle changes and choices you need to so you can create the results you crave


By the end of the webinar, you’ll have a simple, yet comprehensive plan that you can implement immediately so you can successfully lose the weight, keep it off long term, and return to vibrant health.


Not only will you discover how to re-energize your body and your life, you’ll come away with a set of powerful tools you can keep and use for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

If you’re ready to say “yes” to yourself and finally embrace the healthy, joyous life you know you deserve, 

simply click the button below to register for this FREE webinar. 


It’s all happening for you on Saturday, March 20th!



Summer M., Seattle

"Nadya is a fantastic fitness guide but most importantly, a mindset coach. Her accountability concept about one’s ‘non-negotiables’ has really made a huge impact on me. I am usually an all-or-nothing type of perfectionist but with a toddler now, I have to find a way to still make myself a priority when he throws off my plans. And being flexible about what part is negotiable and then dedicated to what isn’t is making all the difference in staying committed to my self-care.”



Jackie Rowan

"Spent time with Nadya this morning talking about how to address issues around comfort eating. She led me through a whole thought process which revealed triggers and what was behind the habits. She then offered completely practical solutions which I’m ready to try straight away! Such a valuable session! Book a session with her - you won’t regret it!.”